Thursday, May 2, 2013


There's a rain that burns my skin,
There's a joke that tears me down,
There's a glue that shreds me to pieces,
A song of sarcasm that makes me frown. 

Where's that witch
who comes and goes,
Making fires out of my rose..
The one who comes with a haunting cape,
The dark shadow devoid of shape,
The one who wins every time,
Trapping me with no escape.


She puts me down every time,
Belittling me in my every step.
She lives inside me as my fears,
As my pain, pettiness and unforgiving tears. 

Bring me an angel who can show me light
Who wins over my darkness and pushes me to fight.
Who can fill my abyss with joy and hope,
Who gives me strength to counter and cope. 


Shower me with a rain that soothes my wounds,
Let me curve my lips with a charming smile.
Let me have my share of laughter and fun,
And let me feel that I'm the chosen one.


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