Thursday, April 28, 2011

Meddling with mistakes

       To err is as likely as a rain, or a favorite movie on the television. It is as frequent as meals and at the same time, as rare as leap years. We commit mistakes, but whether they really are, depends on how we define them. And whether we correct ourselves, is secondary.
       I wonder how many mistakes our normal routine consists of. Yelling at mom for late breakfast, shouting at dad because we have no money, quarrelling with siblings because we broke up, not giving time for our pets, misplacing things and messing up the room, searching lame excuses for reaching home unacceptably late, not returning things to our friends in time, stealing someone else’s idea boasting it to be our own, not being considerate to friends, not returning really important calls, not keeping up our promises and defending ourselves dishonestly, hurting our loved ones in various ways, intentionally or unintentionally,…………
The list goes on and on and on.
 What makes us commit such repetitive mistakes, in the first place?
 Is it because we opine that they are not at all mistakes?
 Is it our ego that we are feeding? 
Are we unwilling to accept our mistakes?
Are we taking people for granted?
Or is it just that we are lazy??
When I ask myself these questions, my answers to them are a ‘yes’ at different situations. And with that comes another explanation to it…..
We are not perfect!!
Our imperfection is our identity. Our mistakes define us. They segregate us from each other. They make us different. They make us unique. And they make us what we actually are. Don’t they??
Committing mistakes is something which is compulsory for every human being to survive. To live. To exist!
And as we commit them, we grow. In different ways, in different dimensions. We flourish. We enrich ourselves in various ways.  Our emotional, practical and psychological upbringing happens because of our mistakes.
And as we learn from them, we tend to rediscover ourselves, with a new air, new experience and new zeal. And that’s what shapes us, into individuals.
Looking at mistakes in a positive way, they are the life-givers for us, when we learn from them. And they can also turn out to be killers when we don’t. Mistakes complete us. Meddling with them is fun. Learning from them is an experience. And living with them is life…..!!
Good times give us real happiness when they follow the bad ones. Dawn’s freshness and light is noticed only after a dark night. And so speaking with the same simile, our correctness is more meaningful when we commit mistakes.
Committing mistakes is a recurring never ending process.
The way we use them, the people we become….!!

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